Javier Junquera

Photo of Javier Junquera

Javier Junquera ​is a ten​ured professor​ at the University of Cantabria​ in Spain. ​He ​obtained ​his Bachelor​'s​ degree in theoretical physics from the University of Oviedo in 1996​ and ​​his Ph.D. from the Autonomous University of Madrid in 2001​.​ His main interests are in functional materials, particularly ​nanostructures made from ​complex oxide​s​.​ He is ​also ​one of the developers of the SIESTA code, a ​program that can be used to compute the electronic structure of materials from first​ ​principles. In 2014 he was recognized as an Outstanding Referee by the American Physical Society.


When One Plus One is More than Two

Simulations show that the interface between two perovskite oxides can be a much stronger ferroelectric than either oxide on its own. Read More »