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Loss Analysis Boosts OLED Performance

The mitigation of a previously neglected energy-loss mechanism in organic light-emitting diodes has enabled researchers to enhance both efficiency and lifetime of these devices. Read More »


Heavy Element Formation Limited in Failed Supernovae

Despite its intensity, the gravitational collapse of certain massive stars does not produce an abundance of heavy elements. Read More »


Cleaning Intense Laser Pulses with Plasma

When two laser beams converge on a volume of gas, their interference creates a diffraction grating made of plasma that can divert and shape a third beam. Read More »

Research News

Nobel Prize: Mimicking Human Intelligence with Neural Networks

The 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics honors pioneering work on artificial neural networks, which provided the foundation for many of the artificial intelligence technologies in use today. Read More »


Decoding Nature’s Hidden Messages

Bacteria, cells, swarms, and other organisms pluck information from noisy environments with extraordinarily high precision. Read More »


Infrared Single-Photon Detector for Astronomy

An infrared detector is sensitive to a wide range of intensities and could potentially pick up biomarkers from exoplanet atmospheres. Read More »

Research News

Positronium Cooled to Record Low Temperature

A short-lived combination of an electron and an antielectron has been cooled with lasers to near absolute zero—a step toward tackling fundamental questions about matter and antimatter. Read More »


Identifying Phases in Low-Speed Human Movement

By observing the motion of preschool children, researchers have developed a thermodynamic description of human movement that pinpoints collective phases emerging when social interactions are strong. Read More »


LHC Data Constrain Multiple Higgs Models

New experimental results from the Large Hadron Collider argue against the existence of multiple Higgs bosons, as predicted in certain “beyond-standard-model” theories. Read More »

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