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A Route Toward the Island of Stability

Scientists have synthesized an isotope of the superheavy element livermorium using a novel fusion reaction. The result paves the way for the discovery of new chemical elements. Read More »


Measuring Particle Diffusion with the Countoscope

A new method for studying the behavior of multiparticle systems relies on a simple “head count” of particles in imaginary boxes. Read More »


Quantum Computing with a Twist

The prediction that twisted semiconductor bilayers can host so-called non-Abelian states without a magnetic field holds promise for fault-tolerant quantum computing. Read More »


Axion Clouds Enveloping Pulsars

Axions—theorized particles that could account for dark matter—could accumulate around rapidly rotating neutron stars to the point that they become detectable. Read More »


Fluid Flow Anchors Intracellular Structure

Theorists have developed a model to explain how a protein structure keeps its position while being buffeted by currents. Read More »

Research News

Why Emus Favor Fast Walking

Emus inherited from their dinosaur ancestors a crouched posture that dictates the gait they adopt when moving quickly, according to a new computer simulation of bird motion. Read More »


Diabolical Nanomagnets

A quantum degeneracy named after a Chinese yo-yo boosts the magnetization lifetime of a short chain of magnetic iron atoms by a factor of 1000. Read More »


Synthesizing New 3D Materials by Twisting

Overlapping two 3D lattices with a relative twist opens the door to synthesizing crystals with diverse symmetries that showcase nontrivial band structures and novel properties. Read More »

Research News

Chemistry Nobel Awarded for an AI System That Predicts Protein Structures

The algorithm called AlphaFold has now been used to predict structures for all known proteins. Read More »

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