Andrew D. Greentree

Photo of Andrew D. Greentree

Andrew Greentree studied physics at The University of Adelaide and completed his Ph.D. at the Australian National University. Since 2012, he has been a Vice Chancellor’s Senior Fellow at RMIT University and Chief Investigator in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics. He previously held a Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship at The University of Melbourne and postdoctoral appointments at The University of Melbourne, The University of New South Wales, and The Open University. Andrew’s scientific interests include fundamental light-matter interactions, quantum information, quantum transport, and the physics of diamond.


Breaking time reversal symmetry with light

Networks of photonic devices with broken time-reversal symmetry may provide a way to create a quantum simulator to study strongly correlated systems. Read More »


Diamond and Silicon Get Entangled

Two silicon-vacancy centers in diamond can emit photons that are indistinguishable—suggesting they have potential as building blocks for a diamond-based quantum computer. Read More »