Arun Bansil

Photo of Arun Bansil

Arun Bansil received his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1974 and joined the physics faculty at Northeastern University (NU) in 1976. Currently, he is serving on a two-year appointment at the US Department of Energy managing the Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics program. In 1994 he was appointed the US editor of the Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. In 2002, he was also appointed a professor in the School of Education at NU in recognition of his educational/outreach contributions. He is an honorary professor in Solid State Theory at Tampere University of Technology in Finland, a guest senior scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a scientific consultant at the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, and a resident associate at Argonne National Laboratory. He was awarded the 2002 Robert D. Klein Lectureship at NU for his scholarly accomplishments. His research has focused on the electronic structure and spectroscopy of complex ordered and disordered systems, including novel superconductors, manganites, and topological insulators. He has developed theoretical methodology for realistic modeling of various highly resolved spectroscopies such as angle-resolved photoemission, scanning tunneling spectroscopy, inelastic light scattering, and positron-annihilation in wide classes of materials.


Warping the cone on a Topological Insulator

The energy-momentum relationship of electrons on the surface of an ideal topological insulator forms a cone, which, when warped, can lead to unusual phenomena such as enhanced interference around defects and a magnetically ordered exotic surface. Read More »