Dani S. Bassett

Photo of Dani S. Bassett

Dani S. Bassett is the J. Peter Skirkanich Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, an external professor at the Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, and a visiting professor at McGill University, Canada. They have authored more than 450 peer-reviewed publications, and their work is funded by the NSF, NIH, ARL, ARO, DARPA, and several foundations. They work in the areas of statistical, nonlinear, and soft-condensed-matter physics including biophysics. Bassett directs the Complex Systems Lab at the University of Pennsylvania, which seeks to find simplicity in complexity, across physical and biological networked systems.


Deciphering the Blueprint of the Fruit Fly’s Brain

Researchers leverage synapse-level maps of the fruit fly brain to examine how neuronal connection probabilities vary with distance, offering insights into how these neuronal networks may optimize function within spatial constraints. Read More »