Fabian Grusdt

Photo of Fabian Grusdt

Fabian Grusdt leads the quantum many-body theory group at Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) of Munich. His research interests include unconventional superconductivity, topological quantum matter, and lattice gauge theories. After receiving his doctoral degree in Germany in 2015, he joined Harvard University’s physics department as a Moore Postdoctoral Fellow. Following a short postdoc at the Technical University of Munich, he started his own research group at LMU in 2019 and joined Munich’s Center for Quantum Science and Technology. In 2020 he received a European Research Council Starting Grant supporting his work on quantum simulations of the doped Hubbard model.


Ultracold Fermions Enter the Fractional Quantum Hall Arena

By controlling the motion and interaction of individual atoms in a cold-atom ensemble, researchers have produced a correlated topological state of matter, called a fractional quantum Hall state. Read More »