Felix Binder

Photo of Felix Binder

Felix Binder is a theoretical physicist at Trinity College Dublin where he leads the quantum information theory group and serves as deputy director of the M.Sc. program in quantum science and technology. His work spans the fields of quantum information science, quantum thermodynamics, and complexity. After obtaining his DPhil. at the University of Oxford, UK, he was based at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Vienna, as a postdoctoral research fellow. His current interests include the role of memory and complexity in stochastic processes and in thermodynamics, as well as fundamental limitations on what an observer may learn about a quantum system or process by observation.


Taking Smooth Steps Toward Equilibrium

By combining continuous and discrete theoretical approaches, researchers show how to plot an optimal path from one nonequilibrium quantum state to another. Read More »