H. A. Fertig

Photo of H. A. Fertig

Herbert Fertig is a Professor of Physics at Indiana University in Bloomington. He received his undergraduate degree from Princeton University and his Ph.D. from Harvard University under the direction of Bert Halperin in 1988. After a postdoctoral fellowship with Sankar Das Sarma at the University of Maryland, he joined the faculty of the University of Kentucky in 1991, moving to Indiana in 2004. Professor Fertig was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2001, was chosen as a Lady Davis Fellow for 2006–7, and in 2008, he was recognized as an Outstanding Referee for the Physical Review journals. His research focuses mostly on low-dimensional electron systems, with particular interests in quantum Hall effects, and recently on graphene.


A view from the edge

Measurements of the heat transport at the edges of two-dimensional electron systems appear to provide explanations about the quantum Hall state that have not been forthcoming via charge transport experiments. Read More »