Herbert R. Schober

Photo of Herbert R. Schober

Herbert Schober is a scientist at the Peter Grünberg Institut (formerly Institut für Festkörperforschung), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. He received his Ph.D. in theoretical physics at the University of Vienna in 1966. Subsequently he joined the Austrian Nuclear Research Center and was seconded to the OECD High Temperature Reactor Project in Winfrith, UK. He moved to Jülich in 1970 to work on the dynamics of defects in lattices. His current interest is centered on the atomistic dynamics in glasses and their melts, ranging from tunneling at the lowest temperatures to vibrations, diffusion, and viscosity.


Reining in Diffusion in Dense Liquids

A new electrostatic levitation study clarifies how the strings and clusters of atoms that appear in a cooling molten liquid affect diffusion. Read More »