Nirit Dudovich

Photo of Nirit Dudovich

Nirit Dudovich received her B.Sc. from Tel Aviv University, Israel, and her M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, in the field of quantum coherent control. After a postdoctoral research term with the National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada, working in the field of attosecond science, she joined the faculty of Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, as a Senior Scientist in 2007. Her research is concerned with basic phenomena in strong field light-matter interactions, focusing in particular on the generation and measurement of attosecond processes.


Hiking Trails in Attosecond Landscapes

The frequency and intensity of attosecond light pulses can be increased by optimizing the optical pulses that drive a high-harmonic generation process. Read More ยป