Radek Stompor

Photo of Radek Stompor

Radek Stompor is a cosmologist specializing in the analysis and scientific interpretation of the CMB as well as other cosmological data sets. He is a senior researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and works at the Astroparticle and Cosmology Laboratory in Paris. For over 20 years of his career he has worked on more than a half a dozen of different CMB experiments, including MAXIMA (1998-2003) and Planck (1995-2014), and on even more CMB data sets. Currently he is a senior investigator on the POLARBEAR and EBEX projects.


Weighing Dark Matter Halos with the Cosmic Microwave Background

Gravitational lensing by foreground dark matter halos leaves an observable imprint on the cosmic microwave background, which can be used to determine their masses Read More »