Sebastian Deffner

Photo of Sebastian Deffner

Sebastian Deffner is an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. After receiving his Doctor of Science degree in 2011 at the University of Augsburg, Germany, he was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) to pursue research in the thermodynamics of information at the University of Maryland, College Park. In 2014, he moved to Los Alamos National Laboratory where he was a Director’s Funded Postdoctoral Fellow. As a theoretical physicist, he investigates the behavior of far-from-thermal-equilibrium nanosystems using tools from statistical physics, open quantum dynamics, (quantum) information theory, quantum optics, condensed-matter theory, and optimal control theory.


Exorcising Maxwell’s Demon

A pair of connected single-electron devices functions as a Maxwell’s demon that operates without external control. Read More »


Equilibration in Quantum Systems

Two research groups show that specific contributions to entropy may be the key to understanding how and when quantum systems equilibrate. Read More »