Recent Articles


Time Delays Improve Performance of Certain Neural Networks

Both the predictive power and the memory storage capability of an artificial neural network called a reservoir computer increase when time delays are added into how the network processes signals, according to a new model. Read More »


Twisted Graphene Could Host an Acoustic Plasmon

Researchers predict that a twisted graphene bilayer excited with light could host a slow-moving acoustic plasmon. Read More »


Viewing Fast Vortex Motion in a Superconductor

A new technique reveals high-speed trajectories of oscillating vortices and shows that they are 10,000 times lighter than expected. Read More »

Research News

Noninvasive Alternative to Cancer Biopsy

Researchers have developed a cancer-detection method that uses painless sound waves, rather than a torturing needle, to obtain genetic information about a patient’s cancer. Read More »


How Droplets Form Inside Cells

A new theory that accounts for disorder in a protein’s structure sheds light on the development inside a cell of tiny droplets that are vital to a cell’s function. Read More »


Revamp for High-Pressure-Superconductivity Measurements

The pressures at which some elements start superconducting are so high that making detailed measurements of the transition has been impossible—until now. Read More »


A Slight Curvature Gives Pebbles an Impacting Edge

Pebbles that are slightly curved—rather than completely flat—exert the highest impact forces when dropped onto a watery surface. Read More »

Research News

Ocean Currents Resolved on Regional Length Scales

Using a detailed simulation, researchers reveal how climate change will affect the regional dynamics of the conveyor-belt-like circulation of water through the Atlantic Ocean. Read More »


Predicting Tipping Points in Complex Systems

A machine-learning framework predicts when a complex system, such as an ecosystem or a power grid, will undergo a critical transition. Read More »

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