Special Feature

Higgs Boson: The Cosmic Glyph

Physics 15, 99
To mark the 10th anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs boson, the poet Amy Catanzano celebrates the Higgs in verse.

This poem is part of a series of pieces that Physics Magazine is publishing to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Higgs boson discovery. See also: Research News: A Particle is Born: Making the Higgs Famous; News Feature: The Era of Higgs Physics; Q&A: The Higgs Boson: A Theory, An Observation, A Tool; Podcast: The Higgs, Ten Years After; and Collection: The History of Observations of the Higgs Boson.

A. Catanzano

Amy Catanzano is a professor and the poet-in-residence at Wake Forest University, North Carolina.

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