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Adam K. Leibovich

Photo of Adam K. Leibovich

Adam Leibovich is a Professor of Physics and the Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pittsburgh. He did his undergraduate work at Cornell University, and in 1997 earned his Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology. He did postdoctoral research at Carnegie Mellon University and at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. In 2003, he joined the physics faculty at the University of Pittsburgh. Leibovich studies the strong and weak interactions, using heavy quarks as a probe of these interactions, in order to better understand the standard model of particle physics and to uncover beyond-standard-model physics.


Probing Quarkonium Production in Jets

A study of Jโˆ•๐œ“ production in jets reveals the weaknesses of a widely used method of simulating high-energy particle collisions. Read More ยป