Alessia Pasquazi

Photo of Alessia Pasquazi

Alessia Pasquazi received a M.Sc. in 2005 and a Ph.D. in 2009, respectively, from the University Roma Tre, Rome, Italy—both in electronic engineering. She is currently a lecturer at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom, funded by the European Marie Curie Incoming Fellowship Program. She started her research career at University Roma Tre and subsequently worked at the INRS-EMT, at the University of Quebec, Montréal, Canada, as a postdoctoral fellow from 2008 to 2013. Her research activities span nonlinear physics to optical engineering, combining experimental and theoretical-numerical expertise. She is the author of 27 publications on international scientific journals, of more than 70 publications on international conferences, and of one book chapter. She is a member of the editorial board of Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) and she holds an international patent on ultrahigh repetition rate lasers.


Water Waves in Optical Fibers

Wave breaking in an optical fiber forms dispersive shock waves similar to undular bores in fluids. Read More »