Christoph Bruder

Photo of Christoph Bruder

Christoph Bruder studied physics at Technische Universität München (Diploma 1985), the University of Sussex, and ETH Zürich (Ph.D. 1989). After postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Karlsruhe, he was appointed Associate Professor of Physics (1998) and later Professor of Physics (2004) at the University of Basel. In 1997, he received the Klaus Tschira Award for Popular Science and in 2001, the Swiss-Korean Outstanding Research Efforts Award. From 2001 to 2007 he has served as a Divisional Editor of Physical Review Letters, and from 2004 to 2007 as a Co-Editor of Europhysics Letters. His main research interests include quantum coherence, quantum transport, ultracold atoms, and superconductivity.


Undoing a quantum measurement

Quantum measurements are conventionally thought of as irretrievably “collapsing” a wave function to the observed state. However, experiments with superconducting qubits show that the partial collapse resulting from a weak continuous measurement can be restored. Read More »