Derek F. Jackson Kimball

Photo of Derek F. Jackson Kimball

Derek F. Jackson Kimball uses techniques of experimental atomic physics to test the fundamental laws of physics. In particular, his research focuses on searches for exotic interactions that might be connected to dark matter. He has mentored more than 80 undergraduate research students in his laboratory at California State University, East Bay, and was awarded the American Physical Society’s 2022 Prize for Research by a Faculty in an Undergraduate Institution.


Spin Gyroscope is Ready to Look for New Physics

An enhanced version of a magnetometer based on atomic spins could be used to search for theoretically predicted exotic fields with ultrahigh sensitivity. Read More »


Testing Gravity’s Effect on Quantum Spins

A new search for an interaction between a particle’s intrinsic spin and Earth’s gravitational field probes physics in the regime where quantum theory meets gravity. Read More »