Giancarlo Ruocco

Photo of Giancarlo Ruocco

Giancarlo Ruocco has been a full professor of physics at Sapienza University of Rome since 2000. His expertise is in the development of new instrumentation for spectroscopic studies of disordered systems. Recently his interests have shifted to the development of new imaging techniques for studying biosystems. In 2004, he founded the “SOFT” research center of the National Institute of Materials Physics (INFM) in Rome. From 2007 to 2013, he directed the Physics Department at Sapienza and from 2010 to 2014, he was the university’s vice-rector for science policy. Since 2011, he has been director of the Center for Life Nano Science (CLNS), a multidisciplinary laboratory of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).


Relaxation is a Two-Step Process for Metallic Glasses

Measurements of several metallic glasses under strain reveal that the materials relieve stress through a two-step process that has previously been seen only in “softer” glasses. Read More »