Hoi-Kwong Lo

Photo of Hoi-Kwong Lo

Hoi-Kwong Lo is a Professor of Physics and Electrical and Computing Engineering at the University of Toronto. He received his Ph.D. in physics from Caltech in 1994. After performing research at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ, Hewlett-Packard Labs in Bristol, UK, and MagiQ Technologies, Inc., New York, NY, he joined the University of Toronto as an Associate Professor in 2002 and became a Full Professor in 2009. His current research interest is quantum information processing, particularly the theory and experiment of quantum cryptography. He was a Founding Managing Editor of the leading journal Quantum Information and Computation from 2001 to 2008. For more information see http://www.comm.utoronto.ca/~hklo/.


Foiling Quantum Hackers

Researchers have implemented a new quantum encryption method that, in principle, may provide the ultimate security against hackers in real-world cryptography applications. Read More ยป