Marios Mattheakis

Photo of Marios Mattheakis

Marios Mattheakis received his Ph.D. in computational physics from the University of Crete, Greece, in 2014. He then completed a postdoctoral appointment at Harvard University. Currently, he is a research associate in the Institute for Applied Computational Science at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. His primary area of research is the design of artificial neural networks and neuromorphic architectures with implementations in physics, engineering, and beyond. Moreover, he is interested in electronic and optical properties of two-dimensional materials, wave dynamics in random systems, and metamaterials. In addition to research, he teaches advanced classes in data science.


Riding Waves in Neuromorphic Computing

An artificial neural network incorporating nonlinear waves could help reduce energy consumption within a bioinspired (neuromorphic) computing device. Read More »