Markus Holzner

Photo of Markus Holzner

Markus Holzner is an SNSF Professor in Environmental Fluid Mechanics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. After completing his Ph.D. at ETH, he held SNSF and Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowships at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization. His research blends flow physics and biological theory to gain a mechanistic understanding of physical-biological couplings in flow and transport processes, both in laboratory settings and in real-world systems. Specific examples include the collective motion of plankton organisms in turbulent flow, blood flow in aortas, and the growth of biofilms in porous media.


Polymers Reduce Drag More than Expected

Adding polymer to a liquid was thought to reduce drag only up to a point, but new experiments have found exceptions to the usual limit. Read More ยป