Paweł Moskal

Photo of Paweł Moskal

Paweł Moskal is an inventor of cost-effective positron emission tomography (PET) based on plastic scintillators and a method of positronium imaging. He conceived and headed a medical experiment demonstrating the first positronium images of the human brain in vivo. He is a professor of physics and the head of the Cluster of Nuclear Physics Departments at Jagiellonian University, Poland. He has supervised 32 PhD students, coauthored 42 patents, and published more than 450 scientific articles. He founded and leads the J-PET group, constructing the first total-body PET system from plastic scintillators with the capability of multiphoton imaging, including positronium and entanglement imaging.


Positron Emission Tomography Could Be Aided by Entanglement

The quantum entanglement of photons used in positron emission tomography (PET) scans has been shown to be surprisingly robust, opening prospects for developing quantum-enhanced PET schemes. Read More »