Yoseph Imry

Photo of Yoseph Imry

Yoseph Imry is the Max-Planck Professor of Quantum Physics in the Department of Condensed Matter Physics at the Weizmann Institute of Science. His research interests span much of condensed matter and statistical physics, starting with phase transitions and scaling, superconductivity and Josephson physics and random disordered systems, including electronic ones. He has pioneered the new field of mesoscopic physics, which was the forerunner of much of modern nanoscience. Yoseph Imry is a member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences (Salzburg), the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (Paris), the Israel National Academy of Sciences, and a foreign member of the National Academy of Science of the US. He has received several awards, among which are the Weizmann, Humboldt, Rotschild, Israel, and EMET prizes.


Tireless electrons in mesoscopic gold rings

The surprising prediction that currents can flow forever in small normal metal rings was confirmed almost twenty years ago. Highly precise new experiments find good agreement with theory that was not seen till now. Read More »