Dong Ki Yoon

Photo of Dong Ki Yoon

Dong Ki Yoon is a full professor in the Department of Chemistry at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea. He currently leads the Soft Material Assembly Group. The main topic of the group is patterning and display applications based on orientation-controlled soft materials such as liquid crystals, supramolecules, biomaterials, and polymers. For this, his group uses external stimuli, including electric fields, confined geometries, and mechanical shear forces.


A Trapped Nanoparticle Listens In

By tracking the tiny displacements of a nanoparticle trapped in an optical tweezer, scientists are able to detect the faintest of acoustic waves. Read More »


Witnessing the Birth of Skyrmions

Using thin layers of chiral nematic liquid crystals, researchers have observed the formation dynamics of skyrmions. Read More »